Monday, April 2, 2007

Welcome To FREEDOM FUNNEL... Down The Drain

Like many citizens of the world I have, over the past years, become very concerned at the creeping loss of our individual freedoms and the rising tide of separation between the "haves" and the "have-nots".

First, let me make clear that I am an American patriot. I served my country willingly during the Viet Nam debacle, lived through the social upheavals of the 60' and 70's, and have always had a keen appreciation for justice and the so called "American Way".

Now, as I get closer to the end of life than the beginning, I feel capable and compelled to comment on the world I see around me. It's not a pretty sight!

I see an America sliding down the slippery slope of what John Edwards accurately described as "Two Americas". The great middle class, that made America the envy of the world... is shrinking faster than the polar ice caps.

A once benevolent government that stood for protection of individual liberties, blind justice, compassion for the well-being of all, and a truly "fair and balanced" society... has turned cold, manipulative, autocratic, self-serving, and willing to commit atrocities that were once thought to be unspeakable.

Our love of the land and appreciation for the wonder of nature that Teddy Roosevelt so wisely protected, has now fallen prey to the brazen exploitation of special interests... with the full and willing complicity of the very people charged with the protection of these irreplaceable national assets.

Class warfare is now fostered by those who would divide and conquer. We are now told that we must live in fear and be willing to allow the unthinkable to be done in our name... for the sake of "security".

How quickly we have forgotten the lessons of history.

So, faced with the harsh realities of a world fast becoming something I no longer recognize as something I want to live in... or bequeath to posterity... I will use this forum to speak out in the hope that there are others of like mind that may listen and take action.


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