Monday, April 2, 2007


Now that the United States congress has finally found its backbone and begun to exercise their responsibility of oversight, the Bush/Cheney/Blair triumvirate is beginning to feel the heat.

What to do?

Aha... a diversion is in order. Since the run-up to a war in Iran is not going too well (given our recent memory of the same misdirection in our run-up to Iraq) perhaps we need to get creative and think of something with a better story line. The old "weapons of mass destruction" thing might not fly this time around. And the "maniac dictator" doesn't seem to fit either.

What to do? What to do? ...

I can just hear this conversation in the oval office...

"George, I think we need to take a new tack... we need something to get the peoples minds off all the sleazy stuff that congress is throwing around."

"You're right, Dick. I talked to Tony this morning and he is up to his knees in 'righteous indignation' from all those misinformed British do-gooders. He hung-up on me mumbling something about 'bloody ungrateful colonies' or something.

"Hey, George... how about this? We know the folks at home hate the Iranians for the old hostage thing that brought that toothy peanut farmer to his knees and gave Reagan the white house. Maybe there's something there? These lemmings in the American press will eat it up if we can create another hostage thing."

"Dick, I think you're on to something. How about if we get Tony involved and see if he can help us devise a scheme that will work for all of us?

"Good idea, George. Tony is a real creative thinker. I'll bet he can come up with something."

Hm mm... wonder what kind of "creative thinking" will win the day...?????

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