Saturday, April 21, 2007


After Alberto Gonzales spent the first couple of hours proving to everyone with a brain that he is a liar, and an incompetent lap dog, my eyes began to glaze over.

A man who has risen to one of the highest positions in the United States government... a man charged with managing a department of over 100,000 employees, a former judge, a man who was confirmed by the very senate who now greets him with such disdain... a man who could have been--should have been-- the pride of all Hispanic Americans... has proved himself to be a
disgraceful manipulator and fake.

He is not qualified to be the county dog catcher... let alone the highest law enforcement officer in the land.

To watch this chubby little poser sit there, attempting to cover his culpable ass, by stating every variation of the phrase "I don't recall" in the English language... and to do it with a smile on is face, is sickening... and representative of everything wrong in America today.

This is not just a condemnation of Gonzales, however. This morality play exposes the ugliest underbelly of power politics, greed, and arrogance. This is "rot from within".

The Gonzales's of the world have not just appeared overnight... they are not isolated aberrations. He is just a willing tool of those those hidden power-brokers who are capable of pushing people like Gonzales into positions that can benefit the "king-makers". In this case... just another of "Bush's Boys". Unfortunately, Bush himself plays the same roll as Gonzales. Bush's strings have been pulled for years by others far more powerful... and quantum leaps smarter.

As much as we like to sweep this ugly scene under the rug, and pretend it is not happening, we have all been yanked into reality by watching an utterly incompetent and corrupted man try to weasel his way out of accepting any responsibility for his actions... or, as some would say, his non-actions.

All this just points up our own failures. Our failure to truly become involved in the processes that control our nations future. Our failure to demand excellence and hold people accountable for incompetence, failures, and dishonesty. Our failure to say "No More" ...when we know, deep in our hearts and souls, that a thing is wrong. Our failure to acknowledge our own complacency and our willingness to "look the other way".

How else can we explain that the man who framed the legal argument for allowing torture and "renditions" is now the Attorney General of the United States of America... who has the "full confidence of the President?

Why should we be shocked then when we "turn over the rock" and find, buried in the slime and ooze, another one of this administrations "great legal minds".

My parents used to warn me that "If you stick your head up too high it will get shot off." My father said "Don't rock the boat." They were both wrong!

We should all be sticking our heads up and screaming at the top of our voice. This boat needs to be "rocked".

Indeed if we do not "right the ship" we will all sink with it.