Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I had intended to comment on the demagoguery now being vomited upon the American people by a collection of right wing self-serving creeps who have never heard of the U.S. Constitution, let alone actually believe it to be the law of the land.  These unbelievable denizens from the cess-pool that is politics in 2010, have managed to crawl up from their worm-infested lair to suggest that all Muslims are terrorists... thus it is alright for "us" to step on every legal right they have.  These are the same band of liars who would strangle their own mother for a vote if they thought it would put them back in power. 

Then, I happened to turn on the Countdown program on MS NBC and one of Keith Olbermann's Special Comments announced his intention to take on this issue.  And, take it on he did... in a measured show of outrage that this subject deserves.

I cannot say it any better than Olbermann did... so here is the video in case you missed it...


Thank you, Keith... we all needed to hear that!
In 1963 I was a young man standing, with a group of other new enlistees in the U.S. Air Force, in the depot of the Kansas City train station.  I raised my hand and took the oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the United States of America, and boarded the old Katy line for San Antonio, Texas and four years of service to my country. I remember clearly that, as the oath was being recited, I felt what the Hawaiian people refer to as "Chicken Skin"... we called them "Goose Bumps". You could see it in the eyes of every other young person standing in that formation... Pride & Honor. I believed in that Constitution then... and I believe it now. I would no more turn my back on the words and meaning of that document than I would urinate on the flag. It is simply unthinkable.

So, when political hacks suggest that we should just ignore the very heritage that made this nation what it is today, I get very upset. Freedom of religion, and all the other freedoms and obgligations outlined in that glorious document, are something I, and every other person who ever served in the U.S. military for the last 243 years, swore to uphold. That oath is part of me and, unless you want to see us become just another failed political experiement... it should be a part of YOU!

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