Wednesday, May 12, 2010

ENVIRONMENTAL ARMAGEDDON... a disaster of biblical proportions...

Only weeks after pandering to the "drill baby drill" crowd in the vain hope of collecting a few Republican votes for anything... we see with crystal clarity the folly in off shore drilling. It is no longer the threat of the possibility of an accident.

We now have crude oil washing ashore on the Gulf Coast shoreline. It is destroying sensitive ecosystems, wildlife, jobs, cultures, ... and for what? A few barrels of oil that will make absolutely no difference to the balance of power in the world.. .or add to the security of our nation?

Why, when the same investment in alternative energy would provide clean energy in limitless quantities for centuries... perhaps for eternity?

It is called "politics" folks. The president and administration I voted for... that I worked hard to elect... has made the most bone-headed decision of its short life span. What happened to the Obama I voted for? Where is the man who stood on hundreds of podiums across this nation and vowed to be and "environmental" president? Vowed NOT to allow offshore drilling. Vowed to invest in clean energy sources.

He disappeared in the harsh dog-fight we call American Politics of Power & Money. He tried to buy a few votes... an expediency that may just have destroyed his presidency... his legacy... and any chance that we will ever be able to make right what man has caused.

How can a man with so much intelligence, so much potential, so much promise ... make such a STUPID decision? And how, in the face of a disaster never before faced by mankind... can the current administration claim they will "stay the course". Not since this nation thrust atomic weapons upon the world has such a far-reaching destructive force been voluntarily unleashed upon the world.

Understand that this is not an Anti-Obama diatribe... it is a statement of amazement that such a decision could possibly come for such a source. President Obama has done much to improve the world and counter the decline that those who came before him.

However, in this decision... he proved he is a grossly fallible man... fully able to make the most ignorant and arrogant of decisions.

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