Sunday, May 13, 2007

GONZO II and more of the same...

Well, this week has been another exercise of more of the same...

Gonzo goes before a congressional committee and continues to declare "I don't recall." with a straight face. This man has no shame and no credibility. His role as official flack taker for the Bush regime is clear. As long as he continues to smile-and-forget then his function is well fulfilled. What a pathetic page of history he provides. It only proves that all you need to rise to high position in this government is a good haircut and a tailored suit... even if the suit and the head is empty and void of ethics.

Then we turn to the sad performance of John McCain both on the Republican dog and pony "debate in name only"--(to be fair it was not much different for the Democrats), and on today's "Meet The Press". This poor man is a shell of his former image... he has become just another lap dog for the far right who continues to spew the same bloody vomit of "optimism" regarding Iraq. His self-centered arrogance was startlingly clear with his "I have the answers" response to Tim Russert's question regarding why, in the face of the American peoples wishes (supported by the Iraq parliament) that we not set a time frame for withdrawal. He has, with one brief comment placed himself above the collective wisdom of 60% of the American people. Perhaps he has forgotten the term "representative government".

McCain's brushing aside the will of Iraq's own parliament, on the question of withdrawal, calls into serious question the definition of "democratic government". Isn't a democracy what we are trying to build in Iraq (that's just one of dozens of stories about why we are there in the first place)? If that is true then how does McCain justify dismissing the wishes of Iraq's own parliament with such cavalier disdain?

McCain's suggestion that because of his experience in Vietnam he is the only one truly qualified to talk intelligently about the conduct of war is the height of self delusion. And, that term "self delusional" probably says more to explain the McCain/Bush/Cheney/Right Wing actions than any other term.

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