Saturday, April 14, 2007

Racial Baiting and Demagogues...

Don Imus may be the dumbest talk show host to ever be in front of a microphone. His comments regarding the woman's basketball team at Rutgers University were not only obscenely racist and sexist... they were downright stupid. A career which has made Imus rich and famous is now washed down the drain. Perhaps that is appropriate given the cesspool he has wallowed in for so many years. He might land on his feet if satellite radio gives him a call. Won't surprise me.

Having said that, however, what was even more obscene was the pack of self-serving vultures who smelled blood and swooped in to feast on the Imus carcass.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are two of the most outrageous race baiters in the world. They have made careers and fortunes playing the race card at every opportunity. To hear these two bottom-feeding demagogues take a moralistic, holier-than-thou, tone regarding the Imus situation is like listening to Bush and Cheney tell how much they hate war and are only protecting our freedoms.

Both are pure BS.

If Jackson and Sharpton are truly "reverends" where is all the Christian forgiveness that they purport to believe in? Isn't a person who publicly admits their mistake, and asks forgiveness of those whom he offended, worthy of some Christian charity? Obviously not if you are Sharpton and Jackson. They quickly seized the opportunity to get a new photo-opp and advance their position in the black community.

Where are Jackson and Sharpton when every hip-hop rapper uses the vilest of terms to degrade and demean black women and promote violence? They are conspicuously silent when it is their own people who commit such outrageous acts. Could this be more about political posturing and fund raising... than right and wrong? Perhaps it is time for them... and every black leader... to look inward and clean up their own house.

Make no mistake about it ... Imus deserved his fate. But, if he is to be thrown out so readily, and with such vehement rhetoric... then perhaps those who yelled the loudest should now turn their aggressive campaign against the people who coined the derogatory phrases and language they hate so much.

The "gotcha" smile on the face of Rahema Ellis, NBC reporter, spoke volumes about what this whole show was really about. It was a reckoning... vengeance... getting even... pay back.

I fear that we have not come far as a nation where race relations is concerned. This is not a white problem... or a black problem. It is a white and a black problem. We will either deal with it... or it will surely deal with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Thom about that horse faced Imus idiot... but, just think... there is now an uproar about those RAP--GANSTER songs... everyother word is "Ho".. guess its OK for a black to call a Ho a Ho.. but not whitey... yep, a true case of double standards... maybe Sharpton & Jackson can Ho down on the RAPPERS next... bj